Tuesday 29 July 2014

Spending ban- How I am saving my money

hi lovelies, 
today's post is going to be a bit different to my typical makeup/beauty posts. 
Recently I have been purchasing a whole heap of makeup products and I realised that I have so many products that I haven't even used or opened up yet in my drawer. So to give my credit card a rest I have decided to go on a makeup spending ban.. 
Now when I say spending ban I'm not banning myself from buying beauty entirely I'm just going to limit the amount of money I spent on products. I am also trying to stop buying products that I don't acually need. I have a written up a list of products that I want to eventually get around to purchase throughout this year and possibly next year and I will only purchase items off this list... 

My ways to save money on my makeup spending are: 
1.Wait for sales. If I want a product that is from the drugstore I know that priceline, target, Myer etc are always having sales every few weeks so it is definelyy worth waiting a few weeks if I can get that certain product 30 or even 40% off. 

2. Use up one before buying another. I currently have about 5 different Mascaras opened and I honestly think it's such a waste because they end up drying out or going gross before I can finish a whole tube.. so my new rule is I will not buy another type of the same product until I have hit pan on another or have entirely used it up. That way I am getting more use out of the products I currently own 

3. Shop my own collection. Sometimes I get bored of using the same old products everyday so by mixing it up a bit and using different products that are stashed at the back of my draws is a great way to rediscover amazing products and save money. 

So there you have it.. so far I think I've been doing really well.. over the month of July I only purchased two makeup items (covergirl foundation and chi chi eyeshadow pallete) and made one iherb order and all the items were off my wishlist

I hope you enjoyed reading this post ❤️

have a great day/night xx 

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